BEQUANT is a one stop solution for professional digital-assets investors and institutions. Our breadth of products include prime brokerage, custody, fund administration enhanced by an institutional trading platform providing low-latency, liquidity and direct market access.
BEQUANT is dedicated to providing solutions that create market efficiencies by reducing friction while delivering exceptional client services.

The BEQUANT team is comprised of experts from institutional, retail and digital financial services with experience in banking, derivatives, electronic trading and prime brokerage.

Bequant GroupĀ
The Core, Valley Road, Msida, MSD9021, Malta
Bequant Pro Limited
The Core, Valley Road,
Msida MSD9021, Malta
Malta Telephone: +356 2778 1481
Please visit Support Center for more details
Or contact our Legal service at [email protected]
We are happy to share our expertise in technology, finance and trading to media representatives and bloggers. Please feel free to use the assets below for media purposes. If you plan to use the assets for purposes other than media, please contact [email protected].
For press inquiries please contact [email protected].